Search Results
Your search yielded 147 images
Eastern Kingbird, Stone Harbor, New Jersey
Snow covered, frozen Salt Marsh, Stone Harbor,...
Semipalmated Plover, preening along the beach,...
Marina, Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Marina, Egg Harbor, New Jersey
Sunset over a tidal salt marsh, Stone Harbor,...
Children playing on the beach, Stone Harbor,...
Mother and child walking along the beach, Stone...
Surf fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, Stone...
Common Tern, feeding a fish to a hungry chick,...
Least Tern, feeding a fish to a hungry chick,...
Surf fishing in the Atlantic Ocean, Stone...
Dunlin, walking in a salt marsh. Stone Harbor,...
Black-necked Stilt. Stone Harbor, New Jersey
Least Tern, feeding a fish to a hungry chick,...
Piping Plover, brooding newborn chicks. Stone...
Least Tern, holding a fish in it's bill, Stone...
Black Skimmer, foraging (skimming) for fish,...
Least Tern, at the nest, brooding a chick....
American Oystercatcher, feeding a hungry chick,...
Osprey, wings outstretched, holding a fish in...
Brant, drinking from a tidal salt marsh, Stone...
Birdwatchers, Stone Harbor, New Jersey
Birdwatchers, Stone Harbor, New Jersey