Search Results
Your search yielded 222 images
Barred Owl, being photographed under controlled...
Barred Owl, being photographed under controlled...
Barred Owl, being photographed under controlled...
Biologist measuring a shorebird, the Red Knot,...
Wildlife biologists, netting and banding...
Least Tern, adult feeding a chick. Stone...
Red Knot, wearing a radio transmitter on its...
Releasing a Shorebird, the Red Knot, back to...
Red Knot, wearing coded leg bands, for...
Child releasing a Shorebird, the Ruddy...
Biologist handling a shorebird, for scientific...
Cannon nets capturing shorebirds, the Red Knot,...
Biologists preparing the nets to capture...
Eastern Timber Rattlesnake, Highlands, New Jersey
Piping Plover, courtship, New Jersey
Piping Plover, brooding newborn chicks, Stone...
Juvenile Cooper's Hawks, surveying their new...
Bald Eagle, portrait, Haliaeetus leucocephalus,...
Child releasing a Shorebird, the Red Knot, back...
Red Knot, wearing coded leg bands, for...
Biologists examing shorebirds, the Red Knot,for...
Weighing a shorebird, the Ruddy Turnstone, for...
Biologist measuring a shorebird, the Red Knot,...
Biologists clipping a feather from a shorebird,...